The August 2022 economic situation note of the Central Bank of West African States (BCEAO) indicates that activities in the construction sector have improved in Benin.
(+7.3 points), this is the rate of improvement in the construction sector according to the BCEAO’s August 2022 economic situation note. According to the report, in the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU), data from the June 2022 survey of entrepreneurs indicate an improvement in the construction sector activities. The difference in the activity index in construction compared to the long-term average (100) has remained positive, standing at +5.4 points as in the previous month. By country, an improvement in construction activity was noted in Senegal (+19.9 points), Benin (+7.3 points), Côte d ‘Ivoire (+6.7 points) and Guinea-Bissau (+5.9 points). On the other hand, a decline in activity was observed in Togo (-3.6 points), Burkina Faso (-3.0 points), Mali (-2.0 points) and Niger (-0.9 points). It should be noted that the indicators of the internal economic situation at the end of June 2022 show an improvement of the economic activity. On a year-over-year basis, industrial production increased by 4.0% and retail turnover increased by 11.0%. In addition, market and financial services delivery registered increases of 10.5% and 11.7% respectively, after increases of 12.1% and 11.6% the previous month. In the construction sector, the survey of entrepreneurs shows that the activity has continued to improve, due in particular to the conduct of major projects for the construction of socio-economic infrastructure in certain WAEMU countries.