The Government of Benin was in ordinary session of the Council of Ministers on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. Several decisions were taken on occasion, including the creation of a single hiring office for dockworkers and pieceworkers that will work at the port and the definition of the price of shea kernel and the conditions of the 2022-2023 commercial campaign.
Many have been praying for it from the bottom of their heart. It is now a reality. For the management of dockers staff and pieceworkers at Port Autonome de Cotonou (the Autonomous Port of Cotonou), the Benin government has decided to create a single hiring office. This office is intended for regulating the hiring and management of the dock work force in ports and on port logistics platforms in Benin. According to the government, the disparate conditions of hiring and management of this workforce jeopardize compliance with safety and security rules on port areas. In order to correct this situation, the licensed handling companies, on the basis of their specifications, have expressed the interest in setting up a single hiring office for the needs of the case in accordance with the government’s ambitions. The creation of this office also responds to the recommendations of the missions of experts who strongly recommend the formalization of a single office for the hiring of dockworkers and pieceworkers at the Port of Cotonou in connection with the modernization of port infrastructure started a while ago. This is part of the possibility of having a skilled workforce and aims to promote the improvement of the living and working conditions of dock workers. The reform is also timely given that the Autonomous Port of Cotonou is in the midst of modernization and the advent of this office constitutes a real revolution that allows the Port to reposition itself particularly in the field of quality management and human resources management.
Shea to be sold for 110 FCFA/kg for the 2022-2023 commercial season
The government has set in the Council of Ministers the 2022-2023 marketing price of shea kernels in Benin. The kilogram will be sold for 110 FCFA and the campaign opens on September 15, 2022 in Bembèrèkè and will end on May 31, 2023. For this edition, the government has called for compliance with standards and good collection practices aimed at improving the quality of products, strict compliance with marketing conditions, including the compliance of scales with standards. Fraudulent exit of almonds by land is prohibited.
Adapted and Translated from French into English by:
Amélioration de la gestion au Port de Cotonou : Un Bureau unique d’embauche des dockers et tâcherons
Célébration du Jubilé d’étain : L’économiste du Bénin offre des vivres à un orphelinat